Message from our Chairman

With the current economic crisis and most people becoming more strapped for cash, we start looking for better value for our money in everything we do and how we do it. It is with this in mind that we propose to offer both the experienced angler and the novice angler an opportunity to achieve his or her goals within our club, whether it is in competitive angling or just catching more fish in the social or family environment. We have an excellent committee and a large knowledge base which we propose to impart to our members, without the drama or complicated “body corporate” mentality.

We propose to further our anglers and members by doing the following.

1-Regular tackle boxes, hosted by experienced anglers in that facet of angling.

2-Guidance in the purchasing of tackle and lures for the chosen facet of angling (remember ..... a lot of lures catch more fisherman than fish).

3-exposure to competitions that are affordable and do not require own boats etc. (i.e.....long weekend competitions hosted by local coastal clubs).

4-Maintanance tips on general maintenance and up keep of both vehicles and boats, to ensure longevity on both.

5-A social environment where families with the same interest get to make friends and exchange ideas.

6-An area that is extremely important to us is the development of junior anglers and the assistance to the family to further them to the best of their ability.

We look forward to the growth within the club and maintaining the family environment that has been created over the years. Should you require any assistance whatsoever please feel free to get in touch with either myself or any of my committee members to discuss any questions or issues you may have.

Yours in angling

Neil Coetzer

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